Last in Line – Friday Fictioneers

It’s that time of the week again. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers! The lovely Rochelle issues a prompt and you have approx 100 words to write your story. Thank you to Ron Pruitt for this weeks prompt pic.

If you’d like to read more of this weeks stories press on the blue frog 🙂

Happy Writing!

Last in Line

‘Push me again buddy, see what happens.’

‘Hey I’m not your buddy.’

‘You wanna go?’

A fight broke out at the front of the line. Merv backed away. A shoe flew into the air and landed behind him.

‘Things are starting to fall apart,’ he said.

Lou nodded. ‘Maybe there’s another bus?’

Merv shook his head.

A blood curdling scream exploded. Everyone turned to see a woman being dragged away. ‘It’s too late, they’re already here.’ Merv grabbed Lou’s hand and they raced to a nearby store.

Hiding behind the counter, they watched as the monsters ripped the crowd apart.

100 words


42 thoughts on “Last in Line – Friday Fictioneers

  1. As we always told our kids when camping out, “We don’t have to run faster than the bears, we just have to run faster than you.” I wonder why they’re both in therapy.

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